banana nut bread submitted by allisson keene

oven 350 degrees
cream shortening and sugar; add egg, then bran; mix thoroughly.
combine water and bananas; add alternately with sifted dry ingredients. mix thorouhly; add vanilla and nuts.
bake in paper-lined 9 1/2 x 51/4x2 3/4 inch loaf pan in moderate oven (350degrees) 1 hour. any type of bran may be used.

v 1/4 cup shortening
v 1/2 cup sugar
v 1 well-beaten egg
v 1 cup bran
v 2 tablespoons water
v 1 1/2ups mashed bananas
v 1 1/2 cups sifted enriched flour
v 2 teaspoons baking powder
v 1/2 teaspoon salt
v 1/2 teaspoon soda
v 1 teaspoon vanilla
v 1/2 cup chopped nuts